Sunday, May 30, 2010

Starting in the Middle

Most people would think it strange to start in the middle of anything. Just imagine it is in the middle of the semester and you are already stressed out! Suddenly on your way to your car your professor shouts your name and quickly walks up to you. He eagerly suggest that since your such a brilliant student that you should add his class. You think, "Are you crazy!" that would be too much work to catch up on and you are already stressed out enough could he not just ask you from the beginning of the semester?  . . . .Starting in the middle requires more effort and takes more time but to be honest sometimes it is better than not starting at all! When I was younger I had real good lengthy hair but during my teen years it starting dropping. In college now I hardly have to time to think about it so I just pop in weave and am good to go. But I still want longer hair  . .my own! I figured, well it is too late I should have continued doing what I was when I was younger then I would have hair down to my hip by now. But going along with the example I gave, although I may be starting my journey to healthier longer hair later in life I rather start now than not at all. It will take more effort and more time but I would rather try. So I have just started treatment and I will let you all know how things are going.

But to encourage you all, you may have gotten 'C's' or 'D's' IN class since you can remember and figured you might as well just accept it. No! if you want to see more A's or B's then start now start in the middle, start where you are. Yes it will take time and more effort but it must be something you are willing to go through. Apply it to other areas in your life such as social life, relationships, being involved etc. On your journey of starting in the middle people may say " You never was like this. ." or "You never (fill in) before why start now? . .Well you tell them Listen! I may not have began this way but I am starting in the middle! I rather start there ther not start at all!

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